Clean Room Recovery — Finger Prints on PlatterWe just got a case where the customer opened the drive cover and attempted to spin the platters with their fingers.Dec 20, 2023Dec 20, 2023
Clean Room — Major ContaminationHere is an example of a customer who sent their drive to a major Data Recovery facility and then came to us.Dec 14, 2023Dec 14, 2023
Western Digital — Attempt to open the drive coverHere is an example of what you should NOT do if you don’t specialize in Data Recovery (Cleanroom Process) and have the proper tools.Apr 12, 2023Apr 12, 2023
Clicking Drive — ContaminationWanted to share a case with you guys. The drive was clicking for a long period of time after a drop.Mar 29, 2023Mar 29, 2023
Data Recovery — Deep ScratchHere is an example of a drive that has heavy scratches due to a power outage. Unfortunately, the data is not recoverable due to the…Feb 7, 2023Feb 7, 2023
Donor Drive LibraryHaving such a large and continually growing donor-drive library allows us to turn over Clean Room cases faster and more effectively.Feb 2, 2023Feb 2, 2023
Was the drive Clicking or Beeping?Take a look at this case that we just checked in. Do you think the drive was clicking or beeping?Jan 31, 2023Jan 31, 2023
Data Recovery — Scratch on PlatterClean Room Case on a Western Digital 5TB drive that was dropped and clicking.Jan 27, 2023Jan 27, 2023
Western Digital — Clean Room RecoveryHere are the heads of a Western Digital My Passport external drive. The drive is making clicking sounds after drop.Jan 25, 2023Jan 25, 2023